Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Love and Career and Pessimism and.....Emo-Ness?

So, I'm looking for jobs and, I guess, a career path for myself right now and nothing seems interesting to me. I always thought I would know what I wanted to do instantly or I would somehow slip into a great job that I would love. Kind of like the person you want to spend the rest of your life, "he's the one", but that hasn't happened to me so far. It's more like, yeah he's the one that I want to be with right now. I'm TERRIFIED of marriage. I don't know if I'll EVER be passionate about any one thing, especially when it comes to jobs. I think jobs are just things people do to make money. All the things that I love, like music, traveling, social justice, Christianity, etc. are things I can't make money off of (unless I create some absolutely INGENIOUS way of combining the two, like some have done so in the past), then....I guess I have to do the mundane and necessary to survive. Who the FUCK created the concept of a FUCKING "dream job".....MY GOD!! Will making tons of money and spending it make me as happy as I think I will be? (I know, people say it will not, but no money makes me UPSET so I'd have to assume the opposite). I guess having enough money to buy the things you need and a few luxuries and to have a job that leaves some time left for you to spend meaningful time with people you care about (assuming you have people like that, true friends are hard to come by nowadays). I think I might have chosen ONE or TWO boyfriends in the past out of convenience or because they liked me. I liked them later on. LoL. Yeah, I know that's bad. Stop judging me. You do shameful things too. I just wrote an incredibly long and EMO blog. Okay, bye.

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